Illumtori and BeaBea Lab

Power and purpose with simplicity

BeaBea and JuJu welcome image

Our Vision

To build a productivity tool that maximizes benefit with minimal user effort. We aim to redefine productivity as "achieving your full potential" rather than just "ticking off tasks".

A great tool shouldn't have a steep learning curve or a complex process to maintain. Being productive should feel natural and effortless, not like a second job.

Who We Are

BeaBea Lab was founded by Steven and Jennifer, a husband and wife duo passionate about productivity and innovation.

Steven is a Chartered Professional Accountant ("CPA") and Chartered Financial Analyst ("CFA"). While working hard to build his career, he always dreamed of being his own boss. The comfort of stable income, the promise of the next promotion, and the common fear of failure held him back - until a serious car accident pushed him to leave his comfort zone and pursue his dream.

Jennifer ("Jen") is also a CPA with a keen interest in productivity and problem-solving. When Steven was brainstorming product ideas, she shared her frustruation with the growing complexity of productivity tools. That conversation sparked the creation of Illumtori!

Cayman, our Chief Wellness Officer, makes sure that Steven and Jen take regular breaks from their work.

The Problem and Our Solution

Jen has been using productivity tools for years. Contrary to expectation that technology would make things more efficient, these tools grew increasingly complex, demanding more time to manage than they saved.

We created Illumtori to address this problem. While it is easy to build a complex system that imposes rules on users, it is challenging to develop a simple system that provides users the freedom to achieve their goals.

A productivity tool should be the sidekick in your productivity journey, not the main character.

Our goal is to improve lives by offering a tool that works for you, not the other way around. Illumtori is designed to be used when needed and to stay out of the way when not.

We hope Illumtori helps you achieve all your goals!

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