Never forget anything

All the features for clear and organized notes. Easily manage notes by topic and archive old notes to move them out of the way.

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Screenshot of mobile notes feature

Your digital notepad

Easily take notes whether you are at a desk or on the go:

  • All the standard features plus pop-up assists at the right places so you can just keep typing

  • Progress is saved automatically as you type so you will never lose anything

  • Working offline? Progress still gets saved and will sync up when you are online again!

Example of note-taking

Intuitive organization

Sometimes being simple is the best way to go. Organize your notes by favoriting and adding tags.

Archive old notes

Archive notes that you don't need every day to declutter your list. But you can still easily edit them in the archive section!

Example of a list of notes

Achieve all your goals
Let Illumtori be your companion

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